Funny Math Jokes Math Pictures or Sayings

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     What if instead of groaning when you said it was time for math, students cheered?

     It's not a secret that studying can be difficult and energy-consuming, especially when we talk about primary school students. Unfortunately, when it comes to math, most can agree that it has gotten a bad rap for being boring and difficult. But, there's a lot that math teachers can do to make it funny and enjoyable.

     Math jokes and math puns are some of the best tools teachers have to bring a lighter side to the math classroom.

     So why not use some jokes to spice things up?

Here at Happy Numbers, we believe that the teaching process should be interesting and educationally valuable at the same time.


To see the full exercise, follow this link.

     That is why we deliver content that covers all curriculum standards and engages students in math, adjusting it to their level of emotional perception. Besides the core material, our curriculum includes funny and exciting visual assistance, like animals playing main characters, videos with bright examples, and GIFs with interactive exercises. It's way funnier to count while you are chasing funny chicks, than to try to solve an equation of numbers written on the board!

To see the full exercise, follow this link.

     Are you ready to giggle, laugh and chuckle at some math jokes? Below read 30 of the funniest math jokes for teachers and then learn how to use them in the classroom to get the best outcomes:

1. Hey, have you ever noticed what's odd? Every other number!

2. Do you know what mathematicians do after it snows? They make snow angles!

3. Which tool is best for math? The multi-pliers.

4. Swimmers love one kind of math more than all others, what is it? Dive-ision!

5. Once there was a hen who counted her own eggs. She was a mathemachicken!

6. Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven, eight, nine!
7. Did you know that there are three kinds of people in the world? Here they are: people who can count and people who can't.
8. Do you know why the two 4s didn't go to the cafeteria for lunch? They already 8!
9. Do you know the special trick to turn seven into an even number? Remove the s!
10. What do the moon and a dollar have in common? They both have 4 quarters.
11. What don't atheists do well with exponents? Because they don't believe in higher powers.
12. The English book asked the Math book why he was so sad. You know what he said? "Because I have so many problems!"

13. Why is 69 so scared of 70? Because once they fought, and 71.
14. Who's in charge in a pencil case? The ruler.
15. Why can't your nose grow to be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
16. Which numbers just won't sit still? Roamin' numbers
17. Did you hear what the 0 said to the 8? Nice belt!

18. Do you know the trick for making time fly? Throw a clock out a window!
19. If you're cold, go to the corner of the room. It's 90 degrees there!
20. Why did the girl always wear glasses when doing math? It improved her division!
21. The minus sign was talking to the positive sign. The minus sign asked, "Are you sure I make a difference?" and the other sign said "I'm positive!"
22. A teacher asked her student "Why are you doing math on the floor?" The student answered, "You told us not to use any tables!"

23. There was once a talking sheepdog. He ran up to the farmer and said "All 70 sheep are in the pen."
The farmer said, "But I only counted 67!"
The sheepdog said "Yeah, but I rounded them up!"
24. What's the best way to get a math tutor? An add!

Geometry Jokes

25. Why did the circle get offended by the triangle? Because the triangle looked at the circle and said "You're pointless!"
26. Do you see that circle over there? He's really smart. He has 360 degrees.

27. Do you know which tree is the math teacher's favorite?
28. It's so sad to think that parallel lines have so much in common…but they'll never be able to meet!
29. Why shouldn't you ever argue with a 90 degree angle? They're always right!
30. Why are obtuse angles always so sad? They're never right!

Algebra Jokes

31. Do you know what type of math birds like best? Owlgebra!
32. Do you know who invented algebra? An x-pert.
33. Which civilization was best at algebra? The Romans. For them, X was always 10.
34. Algebra can make you a better dancer. Do you know why? Because you can use an algo-rhythm.
35. What do you call a group of friends who love math? AlgeBROS.

How to Make Math Funny

     How can you use corny math jokes to make math class fun and interesting? You don't have to recite math jokes all class to make it fun. Here are some creative ways to use math jokes for kids:

Math Joke of the Day

     Start math class by writing out part of a math joke on your board. Ask kids to try to think of the answer. Then, reveal the answer to your students when you start class!

Funny Math Puns

     Many numbers and math words have two meanings and can be used to make puns. For example "Why was six afraid of seven? Because 7,8,9." The pun is on the word "eight", which can also mean "ate".

Tell a few puns to your students and invite them to think of their own puns using math words with double meanings such as:
     Four and for
     Two and to
     Eight and ate
     Nine and nein (the German word for "no")
     Acute and cute
     Pi and pie
     Sign and sine
     Add and ad

Math Problem Jokes

     You can also use the best math jokes to motivate kids as they work through math problems. List the start of the joke on the worksheet. Then, to get the answer, students have to work through the problems.

     For example, make a worksheet in which the answers to the problems each represent a letter. Then, when they've finished all of the problems, they can either unscramble the letters or you can provide an answer key to help them.

Here's one last math joke to keep things fun: When does 10 + 7 equal 13? When you add wrong!

     Are you ready to use math jokes in your classroom?

     Tell us how you use jokes to make math fun in your classroom. You can't ever have 2 much fun with math!

Wouldn't you love it if each of your students could grow 1.5 grade levels in maths in one school year? Happy Numbers can make that happen...and all the while your students will be having fun! Try it free today !


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